
Decoding Dutch Telecom: Understanding Call Termination Regulations

The report dated 1 juni 2017 from the telecom authority in the Netherlands  (ACM) provides a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory landscape surrounding the fixed and mobile call termination markets in the country. Here is an in-depth summary of the critical points covered in the document, structured to present a clear understanding of the current […]

ACM Erkent Recht van Carrier2.Network op Toegang tot Interconnectiediensten

ACM Erkent Recht van Carrier2.Network op Toegang tot Interconnectiediensten In een recente uitspraak heeft de Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) bevestigd dat Carrier2, een vooraanstaande telecomaanbieder, het recht heeft om directe interconnectiediensten van een andere partij te verkrijgen. De beslissing van de ACM is gebaseerd op het feit dat XXXX, dat momenteel directe IP-interconnectie biedt […]

Significance of Code of Conduct in the Telco Industry

Code of Conduct are the set of manuals or standards that protect both the telecom sector and the consumers. Every company is expected to establish the groundwork for the common values, objectives, and procedures that define its organization. A good reputation among clients, employees, shareholders and business partners is very critical for telecommunications providers. Taking responsibility […]

The impact of COVID-19 on the Wholesale Voice Carrier Market

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has hampered economic growth in most countries. Offices, public places, schools, transport, and other spaces remain closed, which has hindered the growth of the Wholesale Voice Carrier Marketers owing to low communications over voice. The telecom industry has seen a drop in demand as business communications services dwindle and the revenue […]

Choosing the best SIP Trunk provider

If you’ve ever spend time buying telecommunications services, you know the industry is not only saturated, but complex and difficult to debug. Luckily we are troubleshooters and have no problem giving (mostly) unbiased advice on choosing a SIP Trunk provider. That’s why we have 4 key things that you need to keep in mind when […]